I Wish I Were Bored

musings of getting back to the basics to enrich our lives


When was the last time you were bored? Not distracted, but actually bored.

I would argue that there is a large population of people who forgot what boredom feels like, or never experienced true boredom at all.

This is a result of distraction.

In most cases, the distraction is caused by the use of technology (mobile phones, tablets, computers, televisions, etc). Technology today (c. 2025) exploits our desire to avoid boredom by distracting us with things that are not conducive to supporting our well-being as humans.

This website is intended to be boring. It only exists as a resource for information about how to get back to boredom.

Currently, we are living in a world dominated by technology and people who are finding ways to exploit our addiction to dopamine to manipulate us. Anyone who uses technology is being manipulated, whether they recognize it or not.

The idea of “getting back to the basics” is not about forgetting entirely about your new computer, new gaming system, and fancy electronics and going back to living like hunter-gatherers. Getting back to the basics on this corner of the internet is, however, an experiment of reclaiming human independence by rediscovering the things that make us human.

Boredom should exist. Because, like my mother said growing up, we all need to learn how to use our imaginations. Right now, our imaginations are being actively curated by a select group of "elite" people.

So, what do we do?

If we make the move away from such regular technology use, what does that mean?

I think about it like preparing for an extended vacation. On a literal level, before you leave your dwelling or home, you would make sure it is secure. So, in a way, if we were to be taking additional time away from our "digital homes", we need to make sure they are locked up and secure before we venture out.

I try to put things in perspective:


As mentioned in the "why?" of it all, how do we protect our privacy and free ourselves from the addictions that have arisen due to the fact we have quickly turned into a global, consumerist society? Consumerism in this case can be thought about as material consumption, or content consumption. I would argue they are both equally as damaging to us as a society... we have been trained to consume. Things and information. In consuming both things and information, we leave breadcrumbs online for who we are and incredibly intimate details about ourselves and our lives. Privacy, specifically data privacy, is a rabbit hole. I am not going to go into everything here. But I have included some linked resources that may serve as a good first step to researching more about data privacy and privacy in general. The underlying message is: we ought to curb our conumption.

Here is a list of some privacy resources. These are external links: